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Start-up VCF

Start-up Venture Capital Fund is a venture capital investment fund that aims to invest in startups at all stages, starting from the early stage. Although its main focus is startups that provide scalable software services, the fund is vertical agnostic.

With Albaraka's past experience, Start-up VCF wants to invest in high-potential startups, acts with the vision of being a good teammate with its dynamic structure. Entrepreneurs who want to achieve their future ideals with Start-up VCF can apply to the fund via “Apply Now!” page.

Start-up VCF was specially designed for qualified investors and offers to its investors aninvestment option implemented for the first time in Turkey. Start-up VCF is the first Venture Capital Fund traded in Istanbul Stock Exchange.

Founded for 7 years, the fund aims to bring qualified investors together with Turkey's young, dynamic and promising companies.


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